Selected Past Exhibitions:
On concrete - Emerging Artist Support Program 2008, TWS Hongo, Tokyo
- On concrete, Emerging Artist Support Program 2008
Mar. 21 - Apr. 19, 2009 | TWS Hongo, Tokyo, Japan
Organized by Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture, Tokyo Wonder Site (Currently TOCAS) / Supported by British Council, Goethe-Institut Japan
'On concrete', one of three winners of curating competition, brings together three artists, Yuko Kamei, Jörg Obergfell, and Sebastian Stumpf, who operate in various settings of the urban realm. With unexpected yet pragmatic actions, each artist directs viewer's attention to the physicality of space and questions its meaning.
E-flyer / Catalogue
- On concrete, Emerging Artist Support Program 2008
The Distance Between the Necessary and the Good - XYZ collective, Tokyo
- The Distance Between the Necessary and the Good
Jly. 20 - Jly. 29, 2012 | XYZ collective, Tokyo, Japan
Inspired by the sci-fi novel “Cat’s Cradle” by Kurt Vonnegut, my second solo show displayed photographic works and objects stemed from my enquriy on scientific achievements that comprise the world today. Following the novel's fictional elements, my imagination glided from string figures to skateboarding, whose origins both trace back to cultures across the Pacific Ocean.
- The Distance Between the Necessary and the Good
Play it mute - in TOKYO STORY 2010: Tokyo Wonder Site CiR Final Exhibiton, TWS Hongo, Tokyo
- Play it mute, in TOKYO STORY 2010: Tokyo Wonder Site CiR Final Exhibiton
Apr. 28 - May 28, 2011 | Tokyo Wonder Site Hongo, Tokyo, Japan
The basic idea of the exhibition was to examine the given situation as a score to play. Graphic notation in music provides players a latitude of interpretation. In the 1960s and the 1970s, dancers started to adapt the idea to choreography. The freest of it has been the form of improvisational performance, which proceeds through seeing and listening to the given time and space. Once the situation has mapped out, what drives one to initiate the move is the mind of play.
Installation views: EN / JP
- Play it mute, in TOKYO STORY 2010: Tokyo Wonder Site CiR Final Exhibiton
Turning a space into a place, or vice versa - Shinjuku Ganka Gallery, Tokyo
- Turning a space into a place, or vice versa
Jul. 16 - Jul. 22, 2009 | Shinjuku Ganka Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
My first solo exhibition became the premier of 'Brand New Town' photo series along with some works from college, which were to reflect on the physicality of human living environments.
- Turning a space into a place, or vice versa
Platonic Obsession - XYZ collective, Tokyo
- Platonic Obsession - Yuko Kamei & Hikaru Miyakawa
Dec. 7 - Dec. 22, 2013 | XYZ collective, Tokyo
- Platonic obsession is the universe in cerebral space, a joy of the human mind. -
Using geometric shapes as a conceptual meeting point, this two-person show attempts to bring together the bidirenctional perspectives on human bodies. Physical formation and decay summarize each interest of Yuko Kamei and Hikaru Miyakawa, however, these are the different sides of the same coin.
Press release / Publication
- Platonic Obsession - Yuko Kamei & Hikaru Miyakawa
ART meets DANCE 2012 - Yokohama Civic Art Gallery Azamino, Kanagawa
- Azamino Contemporary vol.3, ART meets DANCE 2012
Oct. 20 - Nov. 11, 2012 | Yokohama Civic Art Gallery Azamino, Kanagawa, Japan
Art meets Dance 2012, curated by Yokohama Civic Art Gallery Azamino focused on various degrees of interaction betwen dance and art through the work of three dancer-choreographers and two visual artists.
Gallery reports: Artist talk / Kids program / Art picnic
- Azamino Contemporary vol.3, ART meets DANCE 2012
Bilder-Wahl - City Gallery Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany
- Bilder-Wahl - The Collection in the Mirror of Gabriela Oberkofler, Brigitte Schwacke, elfi schmidt, Amalia Theodorakopoulos und Andrea Zaumseil
Sept. 28 - Nov. 14, 2014 | City Gallery Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany
In the grid_#6 was selected by artist Amalia Theodorakopoulos and exhibited next to the painting of Gustav Schönleber, Cypressen, 1904, from the collection Christian Link.
- Bilder-Wahl - The Collection in the Mirror of Gabriela Oberkofler, Brigitte Schwacke, elfi schmidt, Amalia Theodorakopoulos und Andrea Zaumseil
Human Frames - Kunst im Tunnel, Düsseldorf, Germany
- Human Frames: ten psychological states - 77 video artists and filmmakers from Asia and Europe
Jun. 11 - Jly. 24, 2011 | Kunst im Tunnel, Düsseldorf, Germany
Organized by Lowave, Paris
Human Frames is a film collection dedicated to the human being, the condition humaine and the various states of mind that accompany man on his journey through life. This KIT show marked the exhibition premier featuring 77 film and video works from the collection. My 2004 video piece Heels Down, On Your Feet was screened in the Happiness section.
Flickr / Vimeo
- Human Frames: ten psychological states - 77 video artists and filmmakers from Asia and Europe
Ménage à Trois - Enjoy Public Art Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand
- Ménage à Trois - Three artist run spaces, Three exhibitions, Three countries
Nov. 14 - Dec. 8, 2012 | Enjoy Public Art Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand
Ménage à Trois is an international exhibition project between three artist-run spaces in Australia, Japan and New Zealand, curated by XYZ collective (Tokyo) , TCB art inc. (Melbourne), and Enjoy Public Art Gallery (Wellington).
- Ménage à Trois - Three artist run spaces, Three exhibitions, Three countries
ROME International Cafe vol.13 - Creator's District Cue 702, Tokyo
- ROME International Cafe vol.13
Jun. 22, 2013, 19:00-21:00 | Creator's District Cue 702, Shibuya, Tokyo
ROME Int'l Cafe is a monthly get-together that celebrates multicultural life in Tokyo, organized by Research Organization for Multicultural Education (ROME). Selected as the artist of the month, I set up a small installation of my works, being interviewd upon my practices, and lead a workshop in which participants can hold 'props' to pose for their souvenier snap-shots of the night.
- ROME International Cafe vol.13